AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION Admission Fee (for External Students) Admission Fee (for DPS Gaya Students Transport Development Charges (Only for those opting for School Bus facility)
One Time One Time One Time
At the time of admission At the time of admission At the time of admission
55000 45000 5000
Payable every month from April onwards * *Tuition fee and Transport fee of February and March will be paid in February
1 2 3 4 5 6
Computer Fee Annual Robotics & Innovation Lab Charges Annual Tech. & ERP Charges Annual Miscellaneous Charges Transport Fees Swimming Pool Charge (Only for those students who opt)
One Time One Time One Time One Time Monthly One Time
Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in September (And every subsequent year) Payable every month from April onwards Payable in April (And every subsequent year)
2460 1070 4650 6635 1940 2140
Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards* Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards *
Payable every month from April onwards * Payable every month from April onwards *
*Tuition fee and Transport fee of February and March will be paid in February
4100 3945 3545 3655 3745 4250 3985
4100 4100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
Activity Charges Annual Tech. & ERP Charges Annual Robotics & Innovation Lab Charges (P.-Nur. To V) Annual Robotics & Innovation Lab Charges (VI To XII) Annual Miscellaneous Charges Transport Fees Swimming Pool Charge (Only for those students who opt)
Computer Fee (Class XI & XII) Annual Tech. & ERP Charges (Class XI & XII) Nutrition Wellness Programme (Only for those student who opt)
One Time One Time One Time One Time One Time Monthly One Time
One Time One Time One Time
Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in September (And every subsequent year) Payable every month from April onwards Payable in April (And every subsequent year)
Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year) Payable in April (And every subsequent year)
2140 2140 1070 1335 6635 1940 2140
2460 4685 1500
The Admission Fee will be paid online and through a crossed cheque/demand draft at the School Administrative Office Only.
In a bid to promote cash-less economy, parents are requested to use e-payment modes.
The Cheques/Demand Draft payable may kindly be drawn in favour of "Delhi Public School, Gaya"
The amount deposited towards registration and admission for a particular year is neither refundable nor transferable to any other year.
Annual Fee may be revised at the discretion of the School's Board of Management.
Transport Fee is subject to change as per the fuel prices prevalent at the said time.
Any student's Internal Transfer from the City Branch to the Main Branch or from the Main Branch to the City Branch is chargeable and subject to seat availability.